I, as a Member of the Global Veterinary Profession, do solemnly swear to use my scientific knowledge, skill and training:
To prevent, diagnose, treat and manage pain and disease in all animal species to the best of my ability in keeping with the principles of veterinary ethics and relevant law.
To communicate and help prevent the impact of diseases in humans that originate directly from animals or via vector transmission, the use of animal products or environmental contaminants of animal origin.
To advocate for the sustainable use of terrestrial, aerial, and aquatic animals in their diverse ecosystems through stewardship to reduce environmental impacts.
To contribute to animal, human, and environmental health by continually developing my competencies as a health professional, acting with integrity, and promoting animal welfare.
Veterinarians have important role in protection of human health through assurance of animal health and welfare. With their professional activities, the veterinarians impact directly and indirectly on animals, people, plants and environment they live and share.
Veterinarians are engaged in wide spectrum of jobs such as clinical practice, laboratory diagnostics, scientific research, education, state agencies, military, feed and food industry, pharmaceutical industry, professional associations, insurance companies and international organizations.