Mission and vision

The Regional Committee of the Veterinary Chamber of Serbia city of Belgrade “Belgrade II” (RO VKS Belgrade II) represents the professional interests of veterinarians employed in various sectors: practice, laboratory diagnostics, scientific research, education, industry, state bodies, the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Serbia, and other organizations.
Through its work and performance, the Regional Committee of the Veterinary Chamber of Serbia city of Belgrade “Belgrade II” has as its primary goals the improvement of animal welfare and health protection, public health, sustainable production in the food chain, and environmental protection in the context of One Health, through the continuous improvement of professional and scientific knowledge in veterinary medicine.
Our activities are in accordance with national and international legislation, the code of veterinary medical ethics, and the principles of the profession.
We are guided by the principle: “One profession – One vision – One voice”
By representing the professional interests of veterinarians, members of our regional committee, we strive to improve the expertise, financial and social status, and overall well-being of our colleagues.
Through continuous professional development, by applying current scientific and technological approaches in practice, with responsibility and humanity in work, respect for professional and ethical norms, and a high level of expertise of the members of our regional committee, we continuously contribute to the quality of work of the Veterinary Chamber of Serbia.
To enhance the recognition of our colleagues at the national, regional, and international level, based on a high level of knowledge, professional skills, and provision of veterinary services, leading to the acquisition and maintenance of social reputation.
By creating new ideas, with positive energy and a spirit of professional unity, we contribute to the work of the Veterinary Chamber of Serbia and the welfare of the veterinary profession.